
Friday, 30 March 2018

Book Blogger Hop: 30th March-5th April 2018

About the Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer's permission, I relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013.

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. 
30th - April 5th -   (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

Question: How many book clubs do you belong to? If you do belong to an in-person book club, do you have meetings in the day or evening? Do you meet at someone's house or meet at a local restaurant or coffee house?

Answer: I belong to two online book clubs. Sadly, because my real life friends don't read, and I live in a rural area there is no in-person book club to attend.