
Monday, 7 January 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever-growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Life right now!
It's snowing as I speak, but shouldn't be too much. We are already snow covered and thanks to some unseasonably mild temperatures, the level had dropped considerably. It's nearly a week since the new year but today feels like the beginning. So, I'm getting back on track and it isn't a resolution, so no promises it will last!

What am I currently reading? Unusual for me, I'm reading two novels. I started The Secret (arc) by Katharine Johnson, which I'm enjoying so far and then downloaded 99 Percent Mine (arc) by Sally Thorne and promptly read the first chapter after seeing it on Edelweiss+.
Thoughts so far...
Both have begun favourably so I'm estimating a 4-5star review for both. The Secret is a duel point of view spanning different time-lines. 99 Percent Mine is a contemporary romance, with plenty of comedic banter.

Book(s) I've read this past week?

The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester
The Uncompromising Lord Flint (arc) by Virginia Heath

What's next on my reading list?
The Huntress (arc) by Kate Quinn

Review: The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester

The Paris Seamstress (Free Preview: Chapters 1-4)The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I originally downloaded a free preview of this novel issued by Hatchette from #Netgalley. After enjoying the four chapter taster, I bought and read The Paris Seamstress fully.

Told from a duel point of view, the narrative switches between the two female protagonists; Estella Bissette's life as a seamstress, living in nineteen-forty Paris before she's forced to flee to America to begin a new life. Fabienne Bissette, Estella's granddaughter brings the story to the present time as she delves into her family's past after her father, Xander died.

Filled with heartbreaking intrigue, the shocking discoveries made by Fabienne certainly add darkness to the riveting narrative. Fear not, plenty of high points are included too. With equally fascinating characters who pull everything together in this well-researched page-turner.

'That a piece of clothing could do so much. That it had power beyond the fabric and the thread and the pattern.'
It's always a delight to learn something new when reading a novel and I particularly enjoyed learning the fascinating details and techniques used by seamstresses working on couture designs. The insightful inclusion by the author is a fascinating embellishment for this curious reader. It's always a treat to finish a book knowing more than I did before I began.

My favourite reads for 2018 have mostly been those with a historical theme and The Paris Seamstress is definitely one which leaves a lasting impression.

View all my reviews