
Friday, 2 February 2018

Book Blogger Hop: 2nd-8th February 2018

Question:  Do you prefer to blog about (a) specific book genre(s), or do you have an eclectic blog?

Answer: I started out by promoting only Contemporary Romance. As time has passed, I added Historical Romance too. Now, after looking around and reading other book blogs, I've become inspired to not only promote other genres, but to read them too. Now I've added suspense and anything that takes my fancy within the paranormal/fantasy/dystopian genres.  I've also enjoyed reading more literary fiction by going back to my reading roots as a young adult. So I may have started out as a blog for one genre, I'm now more eclectic.


  1. That's awesome!! Isn't it so fun to see how we've grown while blogging?! :)

  2. Blogging has definitely increased my genre reading. Book blogs are dangerous for the TBR! I love that you started with a specific genre and then expanded your reading.

  3. That is great you added new genres.

    I am a stick-with-the-same reader. :)

    I haven't changed my favorite genres for ages and probably won't.

    Nice to see you on the Blog Hop...Welcome!!

  4. That is so cool how you've kind of expanded and grown your blog content! Very cool! :D Have an amazing weekend!

    My Book Blogger Hop!

  5. I used to read mostly Stephen King, then romance, then I went through a dystopian phase. I think that is how most readers progress. Great answer :)

    Megan @ Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest

  6. I think all readers go through phases and overtime preferences change, therefore the blog either changes with you or withers. I'm glad yours evolved. :)

  7. Hi, So many books, so little time ... I tend to read in a fairly narrow focus because of that, but in addition to YA and romance, I like women's fiction, historical fiction and some classics. I'm new to the blog hop; nice to meet you.

  8. I like how you put it in terms of promoting different genres! I'm not sure what genre needs promoting nowadays. I feel like a lot of non-fiction needs some love sometimes. I read a variety of genres and go through times when I tend to focus on certain genres. Recently I've been into fantasy and sci-fi!

  9. That's great! I started eclectic and my blog is still eclectic.
