
Wednesday, 18 March 2020

New Book Release Spotlight & Author Guest Post: The Chapel by Jess B. Moore

The Chapel by Jess B. Moore

My husband recently asked me if book release day had become “old hat” at this point. My fifth book came out on Valentine’s Day, and in many ways, it was just another day. I’m still in awe with every book I write and put out into the world, but in some ways he wasn’t wrong.

When I wrote my first book (The Guilt of a Sparrow), I still hadn’t told people I was writing. I joined NaNoWriMo, and worked diligently, but I was secretive and more than a little terrified. Writing was something I did for me, and I didn’t quite dare to think my work could be published. I met a couple people online, on the NaNoWriMo forums, and began discussing writing with them. It was through them I gained the bravery to share my work for the first time. We swapped what we’d written, and all the sudden I was a writer.

From there, I got the courage to share with a couple in-real-life friends. I did multiple rewrites until I felt I couldn’t do any more with the book. Then I started submitting to agents and publishers. Rejections were par for the course, and oddly not all the disappointing, because I never expected to be published. I found my book home with an indie publisher, who helped me along, encouraged me to keep writing, and taught me how to take the reins.

Now, everyone knows I’m a writer, and I’m always working on at least two or three projects at once. My last book (The Chapel) was sent to beta readers early on, and I was happy to get the much needed feedback. I have an editor I trust and love working with. I collaborate with an artist for my book covers. I know how to format my books for ebook and print.

A couple years ago, creating a website and managing social media seemed difficult. There was a learning curve to being an author where the marketing and promotion were concerned. Back then I would never have considered self-publishing. Too daunting. Too scary. Too many what-ifs. Now I put my own books out with pride in my work. I learned by doing, from asking questions, and by befriending other authors.

One of the biggest changes from book one to book five is me.

Did you know there was a time I was embarrassed by reading romance? Yeah, that was before I started writing it! I loved the books, and my ereader reflected this, but I never wanted to admit it to anyone. Then I realized everything I wrote turned into a love story, and I had to embrace the fact I LOVE romance. Reading it. Writing it. Now, supporting and promoting it. We’re a strong group of (mostly) women, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

I went from someone hiding the fact I even tried my hand at writing, to someone active in the writing community. I learned to brave the critics and put my work out there, because it’s worth it when someone finds a connection to my stories. I started out wondering if I could ever finish another book, to planning dozens more!

Helpful links:
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo):
How I format my books:

Mallory Johansen has nearly given up on thinking she’ll get her act together – the one where she plays the part of an adult – by the time she hits thirty. As it is she’s desperate and depressed. Her only friend is leaving town, she’s paired to work with a man who can’t stand her, and she finds herself homeless. Definitely hasn’t mastered being a grown-up yet. 

Otis Bell wants nothing more than to play his guitar, book acoustic bands to perform at his upcoming music venue, and be in charge of his own life. Instead, he’s working full time in his family’s auto shop. He only owns half the supposed music venue, which stands as an abandoned church and needs more than a little work. When his best friend moves away, he’s paired with an aloof girl he’s never liked as partner, and stretches himself thin working too many hours. 

The Chapel is the little music venue that could. Full of potential. Full of ugly carpet, peeling paint, and exhausting work. Mallie and Otis navigate their way through a fledgling partnership, trying their darnedest to get the place up and running, while trying pretty hard not to fall in love in the process.

Amazon UK           Amazon US 

Jess B. Moore is a writer of love stories. When she’s not writing, she’s busy mothering her accomplished and headstrong children, reading obscene numbers of books, and knitting scarves she’ll likely never finish.  

Jess lives in small town North Carolina with her bluegrass obsessed family. She takes too many pictures of her cats, thinking the Internet loves them as much as she does. She is a firm believer of swapping stories over coffee or wine, and that there should always be dark chocolate involved.  

The Fox River Romance novels combine her interests in family, music, and small towns into a thoughtful tales of growing up and falling in love. These books can be read as stand-alone, or as a series starting with The Guilt of a Sparrow. 

Follow Jess on social media @authorjessb
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1 comment:

  1. Insanely hot ! Your book can really be the beginning of something...With a great cover and content, you just need more reviews to grab eyeballs and make more sales. Try If I can interest you in a book trailer, let me know. I can do 1 for free !
