Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Tuesday Teaser: Gold by K.A. Linde

Go to Kyla’s FB page as she is giving away an ebook ARC of this book!

Release Day: In Your Heart by Micalea Smeltzer

Title: In Your Heart
Series: Willow Creek #3
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
 Release Date: June 16, 2015

I thought I had found love. 
I thought I had found my forever. 
I’d never been more wrong in all my life.  

Sadie Westbrook’s seemingly perfect life comes to a screeching halt when she catches her fiancé in bed with another woman. Suddenly, everything she believed in is tested and there’s only one person she can turn to—the guy who has been by her side ever since their best friend’s fell in love and became inseparable.

Ezra Collins—the bassist for the band Willow Creek—has only ever had one weakness, and her name is Sadie. When he receives a frantic call he rushes to her aid, helping to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life—even if that means letting Sadie live with him.

The close proximity tests the limits of their friendship and as the lines between friends and lovers blur they’ll have to decide if falling in love with your best friend is worth the risk of losing them.


Also Available



I looked up at the sky and the birds flying above us. “I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. I spent two years with a guy that stripped me of my identity. I feel like all I have of myself is
my store and the rest I’m left questioning. I tried so hard to please him, to make him happy, and in the end I made myself miserable. I was just so desperate for it to work out that I overlooked how toxic our relationship was. How stupid is that?”

“You’re human,” he replied. “We have this inane desire to belong to something that is greater than we are on our own. That desire is so strong that we can fool ourselves into believing things that aren’t true.”

“So, I’m not crazy?” I cracked a smile.

“Definitely not crazy.”

His smile was comforting and I reminded myself for the hundredth time that everything would be okay.

I rested my head on his shoulder and a moment later his head rested on top of mine.

A smile touched my lips.

I’d missed this—having someone that understood me completely, even when I didn’t know myself.

Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia.
She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to read and spend time with her family.
Author Links

Release Day Spotlight: Sinful Rewards 12 by Cynthia Sax

Sinful Rewards 12
A Billionaires and Bikers Novella
By USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax
9780062354327 / Avon Red Impulse / On Sale: 6/16/2015 / $0.99

The thrilling conclusion to the Billionaires and Bikers series!
One tiny mistake turns Bee Carter's worst fears into a terrifying reality. She knows she isn't alone. The sexy, honorable man she adores stands by her side, willing to sacrifice his freedom to ease her concerns.
But she yearns for more than he is offering. She wants a partner who will love her as fiercely as she loves him, who will say the words and mean them, and someone who will choose her because this is what he desires more than anything else, not merely out of a misguided sense of duty.
Will saying no to the man she loves earn Bee unbearable heartache or will she finally get the forever she craves?

SINFUL REWARDS 1: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 2: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 3: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 4: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 5: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 6: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 7: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 8: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 9: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 10: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 11: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM
SINFUL REWARDS 12: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

Nicolas stands in the hallway, a sheepish smile on his beautiful face, and my small burst of joy dissipates, replaced by the dreaded malaise. He’s handsome, the lights shining on his black wavy hair, tanned skin, dark eyes. He’s immaculately dressed in a gray suit, white shirt, pink tie. He’s carrying ice cream, a small tub of Heavenly Hash cradled in his perfectly manicured fingers.

But he’s not Hawke. He’s not the man I love, the only person I want to see.

Don’t look at me like that, Bee.” Nicolas pushes his way into the condo. “I had that situation with the New York build last night. There will be fancy events in the future.” He holds up the tub. “I brought ice cream.”

I summon a smile. “You forgot about me.” I take the ice cream from the dashing billionaire. “What do those articles I sent you say about forgetting friends?”

Nicolas grimaces. “You knew I was a bad friend.” He walks with me to the kitchen, smelling of expensive cologne and wealth.

You’re not a bad friend.” I set two bowls and two spoons on the counter. “You’re a terrible friend.” I open the tub of ice cream.

The real estate developer settles his long lean body on a bar stool and dips a spoon in the container. “You’re not giving up on me, are you?” The lines carved between his perfect eyebrows belie his casual tone.

I’d never give up on you.” I knock his sucked-clean spoon away and huddle over the tub, protecting the ice cream from impatient-billionaire-induced contamination. “Hawke doesn’t love me,” I blurt, needing to voice this, to share this with someone.

He said that?” Nicolas steals a spoonful of ice cream from the bowl I’m filling.

No.” I frown, scooping as fast as I can. “But he’s never said he loves me, either.” I push Nicolas’s bowl toward him.

His eyes sparkle. “I’ve never said I love ice cream.” He shovels the sweet treat into his mouth with a boyish glee. “But I do. Very much.” His lips curl upward. “The name of this flavor is perfect. It is heavenly.”

Hawke doesn’t love me,” I repeat stubbornly, dishing out a smaller portion for myself.

A good friend would agree with you.” Nicolas’s head is bent over his ice cream.

You’re not a good friend.” I place the tub in the freezer compartment of the fridge. “What would you do?”

I’d tell you that neither of you are acting rationally, that if craziness is a sign of love, Hawke has it much worse than you.” Nicolas licks his spoon. “He guards you like you’re the last piece of prime real estate on the planet. I’m taking my life into my hands by simply eating ice cream with you.”

I climb onto the bar stool beside him, his observations about Hawke’s protectiveness appeasing me, banishing some of my melancholy. “He cares about me.”

No, he cares about his team.” The billionaire’s lips flatten grimly. “Disregarding all of my advice about maintaining his distance.” Nicolas believes remaining aloof from his employees makes painful staffing decisions less traumatic. “What Hawke feels for you is in an entirely different category.”

It isn’t love.” Or is it?

Sinful Rewards 12 – Saying Goodbye to Bee, Hawke And Nicolas
Cynthia Sax

One of the most common questions reading buddies ask me is “What is the toughest part of writing?” For me, the toughest part is the last chapter or, in the case of Sinful Rewards, my sizzling hot 12 novella contemporary erotic romance series, the last novella.

I know, while writing this part of the story, that I’ll be saying good-bye to beloved characters. Yes, I’ll be able to reread the story and visit them but I’ll no longer be living in their world, listening to their every thought, experiencing every emotion.

What will I miss most about the characters in Sinful Rewards?

Bee, of all of the characters in Sinful Rewards, has grown the most. Our exhibitionist-in-training heroine started the serial with a fairly shallow view of others, herself, love, life. She’s endured quite a bit. These experiences have changed her.

I suspect she’ll continue to change, continue to make the transition from twenty-something new grad to mature, confident woman. She’s surrounded by strong female role models—her mom, Ellen, Lona. I can see them all influencing her. I’ll miss seeing that change.

Hawke is a man of surprises. That’s what I’ll miss about our tattooed bad boy biker. He loves new experiences and sharing these new experiences with the people he loves. I doubt that he will ever have a ‘normal’ day. His job is constantly changing and he enjoys this aspect of it.

I couldn’t guess what he’ll be doing a day, month, year after Sinful Rewards ends. I know he’ll have his loved ones, his team around him. He’s as loyal as Bee is, as committed to his friends, family, woman. But I don’t know what his day will entail.

Nicolas is the character I wish I had spent more time with. Our jellybean eating billionaire has emotional depths we haven’t even started to explore. I’ll miss his self-depreciating sarcasm and his feigned arrogance, the vulnerability he hides under his business bastard personae.

I’ll miss the characters from Sinful Rewards but I feel fortunate to have known them. They’ve changed me as much as, I suspect, I’ve changed them.

Are there characters from romance novels that you miss?

USA Today bestselling author CYNTHIA SAX lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago. You can visit her at @CynthiaSax and http://cynthiasax.com/

Release Day: Accidentally In Love by Laura Drewry

Accidentally In Love
Friends First # 3
By: Laura Drewry
Releasing June 16, 2015

Accidentally In Love

Friends First Series

Fans of Jill Shalvis and Susan Mallery will love Laura Drewry’s warm and humorous new Friends First romance, a sexy romp about a good cop and a bad girl playing hard to get.

Ellie Palmer and cops don’t mix, and getting pulled over by Officer Brett Hale—again—doesn’t help. Neither does being forced to take a safe-driving course with him. Brett’s by-the-book attitude leaves Ellie ice-cold, and his rock-hard body won’t change that. Still, the more time she spends with the guy, the more she finds herself warming up to his unexpected charms.

Even though Brett comes off like a boy scout, Ellie has sparked something he wants badly enough to get him to rethink his past mistakes. But when her ex shows up, Brett makes it his mission to keep Ellie safe in the here and now. His gut tells him the guy’s trouble, and Ellie must agree, because she doesn’t complain when Brett pulls her close. To keep her safe, though, he’ll have to choose between breaking her heart . . . and breaking the rules.

Every cop had at least one unsolved case sitting on his desk, and Brett was no different. For a year now he’d doggedly followed every tiny lead he could dig up on the hit-and-run, but he always ended up at the same place: nowhere.
The suspect vehicle, reported stolen a few days before the accident, had been found easily enough, but the driver had vanished. IDENT had been all over the truck and had ruled out as suspect every print they’d found. Painstaking dissections of the scene and both vehicles, as well as interviewing the victim and reviewing surveillance tapes, had given him nothing.
Bupkis. Nada. Zippo. Zilch.
And if that wasn’t annoying enough, the victim in the incident was Ellie, and the lack of movement in the case had only fueled her contempt for the police department. Pulling her over today hadn’t helped matters, but she’d been doing almost twenty clicks over the speed limit.
She was lucky it was him who’d pulled her over and not Constable Hudak, who would have been too happy to not only ticket Ellie but to impound her vehicle without so much as a second thought. He could have written her up today—hell, he probably should have—but a couple things changed his mind.
The first was that she’d just lost her license, and even though that was her own damn fault, he didn’t kick people when they were down. The second was that he knew she expected him to write her up. In fact, she wanted him to do it, because then she could keep on believing he was a prick, and by not meeting her low expectations, he was proving her wrong.
And yeah, okay, after all the guff she’d given him over the last few years, he liked the fact that his being a good guy and cutting her some slack would piss her off a hell of a lot more than his issuing her another ticket.
So maybe Ellie wasn’t far wrong; maybe he was a bit of a prick after all.
He waited until her old blue Beetle disappeared around the curve near the bridge, then slowly got back into his patrol car and turned off the flashing lights. A small part of him would kill to be a fly on the wall when her letter from the Motor Vehicle Branch finally arrived and she saw the list of driving instructors in the area.
Until the MVB found a replacement for Larsen, Brett was the only one in a fifty-kilometer radius, and maybe if she hadn’t called him “Poncherello” he might have warned her about that.
“Seriously,” he grumbled. “Anyone who’s ever seen a single rerun of CHiPs knows I’m way more Baker than Ponch.”
But Ponch was better than some of the other names she called him, like Dudley Do-Right or Barney Fife.
Ellie’s past brush with the Ontario police was no secret to him; he’d known about it since the first time he pulled her over and ran her name through the system. It didn’t surprise him to see drug charges attached to anyone’s name, not with the number of cases he saw day to day, but after getting to know Ellie a little, none of that made sense. Hell, so far as he knew, the only time she’d even been intoxicated in the last four years was the night she, Regan, and Maya threw a post-wedding bachelorette party for Jayne.
She liked her wine, there was no question about that, but heroin? No way. And if she’d been wrongly charged and dragged through the courts, he couldn’t really blame her for having such a hate-on for law enforcement, especially after her stalking complaints against her ex, Kurt Neill, seemed to have gone nowhere. The whole thing seemed a little sketchy to Brett, but even if the cops hadn’t been able to help her with Kurt, surely her dad, some big hotshot attorney, would have been able to secure a restraining order against him. Yet there was no record of that having been done, either.
Given her complaints against Kurt, Brett had added him to the list of suspects in the hit-and- run but had crossed him off when the info from Toronto came in stating that Kurt had been on probation at the time, part of which included restricted travel. According to the Toronto detachment, Kurt had spoken to his probation officer on the phone the day of the accident, just like he’d done every week, as required.
One thing about Ellie: she didn’t seem to lie about anything, so it didn’t surprise him to hear bits of her past come out in conversations when they were all together. Regardless, it wasn’t his place to comment on any of it. What had happened was her business, and as far as Brett was concerned, the case had to have been thrown out for one of two reasons: either she was innocent or the cop assigned to the case hadn’t done his job properly.
Brett slipped his notebook into his vest pocket, making sure her license was still tucked inside. Jayne wasn’t wrong about him having Ellie’s info memorized. He only asked for her license and registration every time because it was procedure, but he’d long since stopped needing it in order to fill out her tickets.
Palmer, Elleanor Grace, DL #4885210, date of birth 1983-12-05, eyes brown, hair brown, weight 59.4 kg, height 171.5 cm, address 2649 Graemsay Road, Class 5 license with Restriction 21.
Technically, her hair was more of a chestnut shade, her eyes weren’t just brown; they were . . . well, brown brown, and the right one had a tiny gold speck near the bottom of her pupil. The only reason he knew that was because he’d once questioned her on the corrective lenses restriction and she’d responded in typical Ellie fashion; instead of simply telling him she wore contacts, she’d opened her eyes as wide as she could, pointed toward her lenses, and given him one of her all-too-familiar “dumbass” looks. It was his job to make sure she was actually wearing them, and in the time it took to actually spot the right one, he’d noticed the speck.
It’d taken him two seconds, maybe three, but it was long enough for Ellie to call him Mr. Magoo and make a crack about him being the one needing corrective lenses. He shouldn’t think it was funny when she took shots at him like that, yet every single time it happened, he had to work on keeping a straight face.
Sarcasm and honesty weren’t for everyone, though, and maybe that was why she didn’t date much; maybe the guys she met didn’t like the way she just laid everything out there. But still, a good-looking woman like that who was smart and funny . . . didn’t seem right that she didn’t go out more. Regan had laughed about it while she trimmed Brett’s hair a while back, telling him that Ellie’s idea of a date was the half hour it took to meet a guy for coffee.


 Link to Follow Tour: Here  

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Laura Drewry had been scribbling things for years before she decided to seriously sit down and write. After spending eight years in the Canadian north, Laura now lives back home in southwestern British Columbia with her husband, three sons, a turtle named Sheldon, and an extremely energetic German shepherd. She loves old tattered books, good movies, country music, and the New York Yankees.
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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